Departments Acupuncture Acupuncture points are gateways to the energy pathways in the body. These pathways are accessed… Massage Therapy This type of massage therapy concentrates on realigning muscles and connective tissues. It is especially… Foot Reflexology Your massage therapist will use a combination of deep muscle work and gentle rubbing along… Moxibustion In TCM theories, moxibustion has a dual effect of tonification and purgation, which is based… Cupping Therapy Cupping Therapy is a traditional alternative medical practise where a therapist applies specific cups to… Acupressure Acupressure was developed as a therapy over 2,000 years ago. It is an essential component… Diagnosis A experienced TCM practitioner would most likely diagnose the root cause of a condition by… Herbal Medicine There are many health benefits to herbal medicine, and as a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.… More Departments We Provide the highest level of satisfaction care & services to our patients. +123 44092 888 Make an Appointment